14,02,2000 to 16,02,2000 Masai Mara.

There really isn't a lot I can say about the Mara, it was incredible. We set off from Njoro at about 8.30am, half of the journey was on some extremely bumpy roads, boy my butt hurt. We eventually got to the Mara at about 2pm. Seen some Hyena and what I thought were Lions but they where to far away to tell. We got to where we where staying and unpacked the kit out of the land rover. At 4pm Myself, Bonn, Nic and Jo went on a walking safari for a couple of hours, it was amazing, Valentines day and im walking in the Mara with my girlfriend. Didn't see to much on the walk but it was fun anyway. After the walk we all just talk about the day ahead while we had a drink and something to eat.

15,02,2000. Got up early and we all went on a game drive at about 7am, it was awesome, I saw my first Lion and boy are they big. We saw a lot on the drive, lots of Lions, Elephants, Hippo's , Buffalo, Wilder beast, Zebra, Topi, Eland to name but a few. In fact throughout my time in the Mara the only thing I didn't see where Cheetahs and Leopards. We left the Mara on 16,02,2000 at about 11am, heading for Nairobi.


Masai Mara Rules and Regulations booklet cover

Masai Mara tickets

The first animal I seen in the Mara was a Hyena.

Maasai Warriors, our guides in the Mara.

Bonn trying to fire a Maasai bow.

All the girls on a walking safari.

The first Lion I seen, what an awesome sight.

Some Topi.

My first sight of a Lioness.

Vultures picking at a carcass.

A Walburgh Eagle.

A lone Elephant.

A Lion in the distance.

A Lioness with a kill.

A very close Lion.

My first sighting of Hippo's.

More Hippo's.

Vultures on a fresh Jackal kill.

Giraffes in the Mara.



Elephants with Giraffes.


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Copyright Andrew Moseley of ADCM Web Design. andymuza@hotmail.com