Well I would like to say thankyou to the following people without who my trip to Kenya would not of been either possible or enjoyable. They are in no order as everybody had a part to play in how enjoyable this trip was for me.


Without her I would never of had the chance to visit this great country. In fact none of us would of so cheers Bonn and a big Thank you.

Eddy & Sue

For being exceptional host's, and for putting up with us.


For being a great pool & drink partner & for introducing me to the delights of DAWA's


For being her own witty and synical self.


For being the object of our humor. Sorry Jo, you know we didn't mean any of it.


The Kenyan K.C. for being a great TAXI service to us and for being our host in Nairobi and last but not least for being crap at pool. (ha ha ha)

Edward Simba

The Masai Warrior for being an excellent guide.

Masai Tony

Masai Warrior Tony for being so Bloody Funny Man.


For the lend of the great camera that I took the excellent photo's with.


Another Kenyan K.C. for driving us about in Nairobi.

Kazia, Ndungu, Protus.

For making my stay in Kenya more relaxed and enjoyable.


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Copyright Andrew Moseley of ADCM Web Design. andymuza@Hotmail.com